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The ‘Fiorino d’Oro’, Florence’s Highest Honor goes to Jane Fortune

The 'Fiorino d'Oro', Florence's Highest Honor goes to Jane Fortune, 

founder and chairman of the Advancing Women Artists Foundation. 

The Awards Ceremony was part of the opening event of the Global Mayor's Conference 'Unity in Diversity', at Florence's Palazzo Vecchio. Mayor Nardella presented Dr. Fortune the award for her contributions to Florentine art and culture as Founder and Chairman of the Advancing Women Artists Foundation, which works to research, restore and exhibit art by women in Florence's museums, churches and storehouses. The evening included a special screening of AWA's documentary 'When the World Answered. Florence, Women Artists and the 1966 Flood'. Have a peek at the evening, thanks to video journalist, Kirsten Hills.


Associazione Bastioni Associazione per la ricerca e lo studio delle opere d’arte
CF 94128880484 - statuto registrato agenzia delle entrate Firenze 2 il 06/10/2005 5576.serie 30