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fotoChiara Piani
Studio Manager
Studio Manager

Nato/a a Firenze il 17/03/1971
Lingue parlate:Italiano/Inglese

Chiara Piani is a professional restorer with a three years certificate of Restoration recognized by the Toscany Region with law 845/78, which is comparable to the title of Restorer.

She has attended to a specialization course of three plus two years for “ Restoration of ceramic and stone materials” at Palazzo Spinelli.

Teacher at the Institute of Art and Restoration Palazzo Spinelli

She is member of the team “I Bastioni” since 2006.

Some of her most important works:

 2012  - 2013  Boboli Gardens, restoration of the marble sculpture called “The Hunter”.Of Zanobi Lastricati 1631

2011 – 2012 Sant’Ambrogio Museum, Milan, restoration of the plaster sarcophagus

of Stilicone.

2009-2011 Accademia of Brera – Milan , restoration of the plaster sculpture of “Lottatori” 1796.

2009-2010 Church of Maria’s Nativity,  restoration of the stuccos’ in the chapel

Of the Madonna della Rena, San Terenzio (La Spezia)

2008-2009 Mattia Della Robbia, “The Assumption of the Madonna between Saint

Sebastian and  Rocco”, 1527-30 Montecassiano (Macerata)

2008-2009 Accademia of Brera – Milan , restoration of the copy in plaster of “Il Napoleone” made by Antonio Canova.

2007- Istituto degli Innocenti Florence, restoration of the plaster sculpture of

The “Blessing Christ with Child” attributed to Guido Rossi

2005-2007 Opera Santa Croce Florence, restoration of the bas- reliefs in plaster

showing the twelve Apostles and Prophets

2006 Church of San Carlo in Borromei – Florence – restoration of stone materials.

In charge of First Aid (as per ministerial law 388 of 15/07/2003) Valid also for law 81/2008

In charge of fire regulations (as per ministerial law  of 10/03/98 enclosure IX and

Law n. 81/2008)

Associazione Bastioni Associazione per la ricerca e lo studio delle opere d’arte
CF 94128880484 - statuto registrato agenzia delle entrate Firenze 2 il 06/10/2005 5576.serie 30